At FBSebring, we have something for everyone.
We have several ministries that help you and every member of your family connect with other believers.
At FBSebring we know how important music is in the life of our church and our community. We have a rich history of quality church music, and as we continue to build upon the firm foundation of Christ, we have been blessed with a variety of musicians with different backgrounds, but with one goal in common: glorify Christ through music.
It does not matter what level of experience you may have, or the style you prefer, there is always a place for you at FBSebring Music Ministry.
To the right, you will find a playlist with songs from our past Sunday worship services.
Our men's ministry is designed to help gather men around God's Word, prayer, and other spiritual disciplines, and fellowship around things men like to do together. Our vision is that our men will be transformed more into the likeness of Jesus as husbands, and fathers, sons and brothers.

W.O.W. (Women of Worth) Women’s Ministry exists for the purpose of growing women in their walks with the Lord. This is accomplished by providing teaching from God’s Word and fellowship in a variety of contexts.
Throughout the year, the Women’s Ministry organizes ministries to meet the needs of the women of First Baptist Church. Each of these ministries seeks to teach how the Bible applies specifically to women. Our prayer is that the women at First Baptist Church would have different opportunities to grow in their faith together as they fellowship and learn from the Word of God and from each other.

Keenagers is the 55-plus ministry of First Baptist Church of Sebring. We are an active group of seasoned adults that meet once a month, (typically on the second Tuesday) for a lunch gathering and special program. This is a pot-luck style lunch so bring a dessert or side dish to share with someone. The church typically provides chicken and drinks for the day.
In addition to our monthly gathering, we participate in local, state and foreign mission opportunities throughout the year and schedule some great trips! We would love for you to join us and get to know us. For more information on Keenagers, please contact Pastor Lonnie Hill

Mision Hispana
Quiero darte la más cordial bienvenida a nuestra página de Internet. Para nosotros, la Primera Iglesia Bautista de Sebring en Sebring, Florida, es de gran bendición el poder compartir contigo las ricas bendiciones de Dios a través este website. Queremos que veas todas las opciones que tienes para conocernos y también puedas recibir palabra de Dios. Para nosotros es de suma importancia tu visita y queremos saber de tí. Nos puede llamar, enviar un e-mail o visitarnos en la Iglesia; será de gran bendición el saber de tí.
Nos reunimos para una clase de estudio bíblico a las 9:15am.

Our ESL classes are led by trained volunteers who are excited to meet you and help you learn. Anyone who would like to learn English is welcome! Be sure to check out our ESL videos that are available online for free.

Each Thursday morning we provide food, showers, and clothing for people in our community. This is one of our biggest ministries to those around us.