Senior Pastor
jwaters@fbsebring.com | Phone: 863-385-5154 ext 104
More info to come soon.
Lonnie Hill
Pastor to Students
lhill@fbsebring.com | Phone: 863-385-5154 ext 107
I have served as the Student Pastor at First Baptist Sebring since 2014. As the student pastor, I have a strong desire to see students become fully devoted followers of Jesus. I love to see God work in the life of a young person, to see them grow in their faith, and then lead others to faith in Jesus! Mari and I were married on Valentine's Day in 1999. We have two sons, Alex (11) and Aaron (3).
I gave my life to Christ in 1989, at the age of 14. My favorite Bible verse is Romans 12:2 - “Don't copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God's will for you, which is good and perfect and pleasing.”
Children's Director
kids@fbsebring.com | Phone: 863-385-5154 ext 106
More info to come soon.
Alison Whitehurst
Pre School Director
awhitehurst@fbsebring.com | Phone: 863-385-5154 ext 111
I have known since I was a little girl that I wanted to work with children. I went to college for my AS degree in early childhood education and started working here in June of 2001 as the Assistant Director in the afternoons and started teaching. I was asked to step in as Interim Director as of May 2019 and absolutely love what I do. Not only do I get to interact with all the kids and their families now, but I also get to be with all of our staff.
I have been married to my husband George for 17 years and we have 2 daughters. Raegan is 14 and in the 9th grade and Riley Grace is 12 and in the 6th grade. I have been a member of First Baptist Sebring my whole life and was baptized at 5 in the old glass church by Brother Jay McCall. I grew up in a Christian home but truly started living my life for God when I started working here. Being around other Christians at work made it easier to give my whole self to our Lord and live the way I knew I needed to. My all-time favorite Bible verse is Philippians 4:13, “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me”.
Lynda Hodge
Business Administrator
lhodge@fbsebring.com | Phone: 863-385-5154 ext 102
I’ve worked for First Baptist Church Sebring for over 22 years. I was hired as a Ministry Assistant in January 1998 and transitioned to my current position in July 2018. I love what I do!
I was saved when I was 11 years old but wasn’t baptized until 10/17/1999.
I have been married to my husband Eddie for 16 years. I have an adult daughter, Emily Smith Ayala, and she and her husband, Leo, have given us an awesome grandson, Julian.
My favorite verse is I John 3:1, “See what kind of love the Father has given us, that we should be called children of God; and so we are. The reason why the world does not know us is that it does not know Him.”
Paul Paton
I really enjoy construction and maintenance projects working with my hands. Working in the house of the Lord is a real pleasure, its a safe zone for me.
Karen and I have been married for 7 years and have 7 grandkids between us. In the summer of 1966 I was born again. My favorite verse of all time is the first verse I learned, John 3:16.
Phone: 863-385-5154